Tuesday, 25 February 2014


Many years ago, in a small town in the United States, a doctor climbed his horse and rode to a chemist's shop. He went in through the back door. He carried in his hand an old fashioned kettle and a wooden paddle. He brought these items to the shop clerk with a sheet of paper on which was written the formula for a drink. Both of them began to bargain and eventually the clerk gave the doctor five hundred dollars for the items that he had come to sell. What the doctor sold to the clerk was worth a fortune to the young clerk but not to the doctor who gave away the items for just five hundred dollars.

To the surprise of the clerk, the content of the kettle which has since become household name in the world, began to pour forth gold. The content of the kettle has been heard of in more places on the earth than any gospel.

Somehow, the young clerk added something to the kettle, the paddle and the formula. That thing, I believe, is an idea. Today, the content of that kettle is the greatest consumer of sugar in the world. It is sustaining sugar plantations, the workers and their families around the world. It is one of the world's greatest consumers of glass and has turned the the fortune of many men around. The name of this drink is Coca-Cola, and the name of the clerk is Asa Candler.

The same thing that the doctor placed a value of five hundred dollars on has today assumed a value that is difficult to estimate. The difference between the doctor and the clerk was one idea. The doctor did not realize that all the while he was holding the kettle, the paddle and the formula, billions of dollars were potentially lying in his hands. Unfortunately he did not find the idea so he could not get the billions of dollars. But one young man caught the idea and was able to release the potential for the billions. 

(This Story was taken from a book titled "IDEAS RULE THE WORLD" by SAM ADEYEMI)

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